Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fun-Filled & Fabulous Ideas!

Okay everyone, what we're looking for now are some great ideas of what we should do for our 5-year reunion! Feel free to put anything out there! We can't guarantee every good idea but remember, we can always save some things for our 10-year reunion as well. Once we get down what we're going to do then we'll start asking for help...or maybe begging for it :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do you have a business?

I know that lots of us have either started our own business, work with family, or work from home. If you want to post a link to your website or business blog let me know and I'll put it on here. I can also add buttons for your business if you would rather. This is a great way to share what we are doing in our lives!

A Tentative Reunion Date

Well, from the feedback we got from some of you, Ryan Kunz and I think that July 30-31 would be the best time to have our class reunion. He is going to check on some scheduling to make sure that we can actually do it, but at least set that date aside to get together! I'm really excited about this. I have spent the last couple of days reading up on all the blogs we have (mostly contributed by Amber) and it's been lots of fun getting to know all of you a little better. I can't wait to see a lot of you this summer and meet your families!

What we need now are some ideas of what you guys would like to do!

By the way, I organized our blog list by last name on the left. I used maiden names because I figured if you were looking for someone specific that would be the easiest way to find them. Hopefully everyone is okay with that. I also noted classmates that were married but linked the blog under both of their names. Please, please, please let me know if you have a blog or read someone else's.

Also, please feel free to send me updates and pictures about your life and family to put on this blog too. It doesn't matter if it's big or small news, we want to hear about it!